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Building Europe with Local Councillors
  • News article
  • 31 May 2024
  • Directorate-General for Communication
  • 1 min read

BELC member, mayor of Slovakian town of Šurany organised an event on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of EU membership

BELC member and mayor of Šurany Mr Marcel Filaga and Vladimir Šucha, head of EC representation in Slovakia during the dicsussion in town library in Šurany.
BELC member and mayor of Šurany Mr Marcel Filaga and Vladimir Šucha, head of EC representation in Slovakia during the dicsussion in town library in Šurany.

On 31 May, 2024, a discussion took place at the Municipal Library of Michal Matunák in Šurany on the main topic of 20 years of Slovakia in the European Union. The meeting was attended by Vladimír Šucha, Head of the Representation of the European Commission in Slovakia; Šurany’s Mayor, Marcel Filaga, who is also a BELC member, as well as local citizens.

The discussion mainly covered the benefits that the EU has brought to Slovakia, in particular to Šurany, since the country joined the Union on 1 May, 2004. Mr Šucha emphasizing that since Slovakia's accession to the EU, funds have contributed to significant improvements of the country's economy and have made up a large part of public investments. 

"Hundreds of projects have been supported by EU funds over the past decades that improve the quality of life of Slovaks on a daily basis,” pointed out Mr Šucha.

Mr Filaga, as BELC member and mayor, considers that it is his moral duty to inform citizens about successful projects, which have raised the standard of living. The European Union has helped the town by modernising its nursery, primary school and city office, and saving the city on energy. The discussions also focused on the importance of the upcoming European elections.

Discussion in Surany hosted by BELC member with participation of head of EC rep in Slovakia.
Citizens of Surany actively participated in this event hosted by BELC member and mayor of Surany Mr Marcel Filaga.


Publication date
31 May 2024
Directorate-General for Communication
  • Marcel Filaga
  • Slovakia, Šurany
  • Democracy and public participation