Portugal EU centres highlight importance of Union for the region - European Union Skip to main content
Building Europe with Local Councillors
  • News article
  • 25 October 2023
  • Directorate-General for Communication
  • 1 min read

Portugal EU centres highlight importance of Union for the region

The Europe Direct centres in Coimbra and Leiria held a Regional Open Day featuring two BELC members in Portugal, on 25 October 2023, to promote dialogue on European issues and regional resilience.

Among the topics discussed were the importance of European citizenship and encouraging civic participation. The initiative aimed to involve the community, reinforcing their understanding of the importance of the European Union, reflecting on global challenges, while also urging its members to act collectively to strengthen the EU’s fundamental functions.

Through presentations and educational activities, the event was also a forum for knowledge exchange. Presenters included BELC members Sónia Camões, and Jorge Brito, Intermunicipal Executive Secretary of the CIM Região de Coimbra and Coordinator of the Elected Members Network; Paula Silvestre, Head of the Administrative and Financial Division of the CIM; and Isabel Martinho, Political Advisor to the European Commission Representation in Portugal.

Vice President of the CIM Região de Coimbra, Helena Teodósio, spoke about the strategic importance of schools and local elected representatives in advocating for the EU. According to her, shining a light on European citizenship and encouraging civic participation are more important than ever, especially in light of global challenges.

In the context of the upcoming European elections, Vice President Teodósio stressed the responsibility of citizens to participate in and encourage voting, highlighting the EU’s role in promoting peace and stability.

Students from Quinta das Flores Secondary School even staged a play at the event. 


Publication date
25 October 2023
Directorate-General for Communication
  • Sónia Camões and Jorge Brito
  • Portugal, Coimbra and Leiria
  • Democracy and public participation