In January 2024, pre-schoolers and primary school students took part in the ‘Academy of Young Europeans’, EU outreach sessions organised by Europe Direct Minsk Mazowiecki and Minsk Mazowiecki City Hall, which is a BELC partner municipality.
Some of the topics on the agenda at these Academy workshops designed for young people included the European Union on the map of Europe, member states, symbols and institutions of the EU, common currency, the fathers of Europe, history of integration, and the European Green Deal. Participants also discussed the meaning of the EU motto ‘united in diversity’ and designed a Polish costume for Sirius, the EU mascot.
Over the 2024 winter break, 80 students took part in such Academy sessions, which are held periodically. In last summer’s edition (June/July 2023), more than 160 young people attended 14 such workshops about the EU.
Link: https://www.minsk-maz.pl/plik,8236,mim-styczen-luty-2024.pdf (page 28)
- Publication date
- 15 January 2024
- Author
- Directorate-General for Communication
- Who
- Minsk Mazowiecki municipality
- Where
- Poland, Minsk Mazowiecki
- What
- Education and training