In view of the merger with the Committee of the Regions network of Local Councillors, the application process is momentarily suspended. The new link will be available in early 2025. Thanks for your interest in joining the network!
The European Union is primarily a union of people and values – with a unique system of democracy that complements and interacts with national, regional and local democratic systems of all Member States, as well as working directly with citizens and civil society. All those with a stake in the future of Europe have a role to play in explaining what it means to be part of this Union and in spelling out the benefits or consequences of its policies and choices.
Source: The European Commission's contribution to the informal EU27 leaders' meeting in Sibiu (Romania) on 9 May 2019, page 40.
Based on this principle, the European Parliament initiated the project “Building Europe with Local Councillors.” It is aimed at building an EU network of locally elected representatives from across the Member States. Their aim will be to communicate the EU on the ground.
The European Commission Directorate-General for Communication is in charge of the implementation of the project under the 2021 Work Programme. The Commission implements the project in close cooperation with the European Committee of the Regions.
In order to establish the network, the Commission is launching a call for applications for local authorities (municipality, province, department or region) wishing to become partners of the Commission in communicating the EU on the ground by appointing a locally elected representative as member of the “Building Europe with Local Councillors” network.
Local authority
→ partner of the European Commission in communicating Europe on the ground
Locally elected representative appointed by the local authority
→ member of the “Building Europe with Local Councillors” network
Application procedure
A local authority wishing to become a partner of the European Commission in communicating the EU on the ground should:
- Appoint a locally elected representative as a member of the network.
- Ensure the appointed member signs a declaration that specifies his/her role as member of the network in actively communicating the EU on the ground in partnership and with the support of the European Commission.
- Completes and submits the application form, attaching the declaration signed by a legal representative of the local authority and by the locally elected representative.